Saturday, July 11, 2009

Dumb, distracted teen injures self.....blames others

I would pay cash money to see a video clip of this.....and, I'd watch it over and over and over, never tiring of the hilarity....


It was an accident waiting to happen -- an open sewer and a 15-year-old girl who was texting while she walked.

Alexa Longueira, a high school sophomore, was walking along Victory Boulevard near Travis Avenue on Staten Island Wednesday evening when she felt the earth move and was plunged into smelly darkness.

She said the manhole she fell in to was left open and unattended with no warning signs or orange cones. She said two workers with the New York City Department of Environmental Protection failed to secure the area as they prepared to flush the sewer.

"It was just really gross and it was shocking and scary," she said. "Because of their careless mistake I got hurt."

Longueira has deep cuts and bruises and said she now has nightmares about falling, but she also did admit she was texting at the time.

In what unicorn, fairy world are city streets supposed to be totally safe? There are risks and pitfalls every time you step foot outside your home. Texting while walking down a busy city street is beyond stupid! She says she's having nightmares about falling, and I'll bet her parents are having nightmares about institutionalizing her for being too stupid to avoid a hole in plain sight.

Of course, she blames everybody else, setting herself up for a generous payday care of the New York taxpayers....after all, not taking responsibility for your own actions is the American way.

1 comment:

  1. You know, if she didn't even see the hole, and was texting at the time-what good would signs or orange cones have done? She wouldn't have seen those either. And if the area had been "secured" she would likely have tripped over or bumped a bony prominence on the security tape or railing. And if a worker had stopped her she likely would slap him with an assault charge. In today's world nobody is ever to blame for their own stupidity.
