Sunday, July 12, 2009

The problem with policy Czars

These are just 12 of the 30 or so czars that Obama has installed as a shadow government. These people who carry the weight of the office of President behind them, answer only to Obama, not the American people. Normally people with this much power, cabinet members, have to be confirmed by the US Senate just like all other high-level Presidential appointees but, not these people. Read their names....have you heard of any of them? This is what the Constitution says about Presidential appointments.....

He shall have Power, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, to make Treaties, provided two thirds of the Senators present concur; and he shall nominate, and by and with the Advice and Consent of the Senate, shall appoint Ambassadors, other public Ministers and Consuls, Judges of the supreme Court, and all other Officers of the United States, whose Appointments are not herein otherwise provided for, and which shall be established by Law.

This is how Obama is skirting the Constitutional process of advice and consent. He can have these drones do his bidding as he seizes control of every facet of American life, exactly the way the cabinet members do except that, these shadowy automatons don't have to be confirmed by the people, i.e. the Senate, before they are given control over us.

People, what you are witnessing is the incremental, methodical dismantling of the United States and it's devolution into a second-rate, welfare state, managed by diabolically evil socialists who've abandoned the Constitution in favor of political correctness and nanny-State governance.....and we've nobody to blame but ourselves.


  1. I'm surprised the Senate hasn't raised Holy Hell. They should be yelling they should have their say. Can we resort to the Atty Gen?--Bahahahahaha. Seriously where can we go to stop this? Who in Govt or private can challenge this??

  2. The media should be calling the administration out on this to explain why we have a nuclear czar and and energy czar when we already have a Dept. of Energy Secretary. But as you know, the media are the ones who installed in the first place, an incompetent, socialist, communit agitator into the white house to relieve their white, liberal guilt, and so they could feel smugly superior in their upper East-side social circles. Moreover, hey won't question The One because they'd be questioning their own decision to support him rather than report on him. Plus, they are all committed socialsts themselves and approve of what he's doing. I'm afraid Bill, there's nothing we can do except at the ballot box, and a majority of Americans will probably vote for him again. We can slow him down a little by gaining seats in the Senate and House but, that's another year and half away.

  3. He's doing a pretty good job, if you ask me: At digging his own hole. People seem to be waking up and realizing something smells rotten in the state of Denmark.

    The buzzards are circling...

