Saturday, July 18, 2009

Cyclists get shot.....finish stage!

Professional bike racers have the reputation for being kind of fragile. They break easily in crashes. Well, I have new found respect for them after reading about this....

COLMAR, France (AP) - Two Tour de France cyclists were slightly injured Friday in what their teams suspect was an air-rifle shooting.
New Zealand's Julian Dean and Spain's Oscar Freire, a three-time former world champion, were struck while riding in northeast France during the 13th stage.

Dean's right index finger was injured. Freire's team said he was hit in the thigh with a projectile that was removed. Both were expected to ride Saturday.

Seriously? What idiot shoots a cyclist with an air rifle? These guys were descending which means they may have been going as fast as 70km/hr. Oscar Freire got shot in the leg and finished the stage with the peloton....dude, that's bad-assed!

It was probably some stupid, punk kids but, they could have killed somebody. The authorities had better find whoever did it and make an example of them. If the riders don't feel safe from the spectators, how successful will the Tour continue to be? If they wanted to shoot somebody, how about shooting the Muslim youths who riot in the streets of Paris regularly? They'd deserve to be shot with an air rifle.

Morons! I swear!


  1. If the riders had been armed this would never have happened.

  2. Yeah, that's what they need, an armed peloton.

  3. I believe its was a failed sniper attempt by a contract killer hired by team astana to try and eliminate any remaining competition

  4. Having snipers scattered through out each stage would add an element of danger to the race, wouldn't it?
