Sunday, July 19, 2009

A special weekend edition of "Reader Mail"

Regular reader BBC sent in a link to an article in FrontPageMag regarding the most radical of Obama's shadow-government of czars. He tapped John P. Holdren as science advisor and though all of Obama's czars are radicals, none is more off-the-deep-end and Orwellian than Holdren. Here's a chilling excerpt from Ben Johnson's article....

Holdren is a globalist who has endorsed "surrender of sovereignty" to "a comprehensive Planetary Regime" that would control all the world's resources, direct global redistribution of wealth, oversee the "de-development" of the West, control a World Army and taxation regime, and enforce world population limits. He has castigated the United States as "the meanest of wealthy countries," written a justification of compulsory abortion for American women, advocated drastically lowering the U.S. standard of living, and left the door open to trying global warming "deniers" for crimes against humanity.

Though the czars have all the power of the executive branch in terms of policy setting, they are not answerable to the legislative branch the way cabinet secretaries are. They are entirely protected by executive privilege and in this way, Obama and his puppet-master Rahm Emanual, have circumvented the Constitution....yet again. And still not a peep from the servile, sycophantic media.

It's worth the few minutes to go read the whole article. Click on over to it here.

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