Friday, July 17, 2009

Indescribable stupidity, or suicide?

I'm sorry for the family and friends left behind by people who die because of their own stupidity but, as long as there are morons who manage to take their own lives by accident, you know I'll be there to mock them for it....

Family Of Woman Killed By Train Demands Pedestrian Bridge

OAKLAND, Calif. -- Family and friends of Lorena Contreras, who was killed while crossing the train tracks near the intersection of San Leandro Street and Fruitvale Avenue have vowed to get a pedestrian bridge built where she died.

Come now, is getting hit by a train really that difficult to avoid?

Listen up people, train-tracks are long, flat, and clear of visual clutter. They are not like city can see a really long way down them....perhaps miles. How hard is it to look both ways before spending the 3 seconds it takes to cross them?

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