Friday, May 08, 2009

One possible future for America

With the unprecedented changes in our government and to our country thanks to Obama's monopolization of two, and soon all three, branches of government, as well as the aid and comfort of a deplorable and complicit lapdog media, Constitutional patriots cannot help but wonder when and how it will all end. Because one thing's for certain, this fascistic control of the private sector by one man cannot persist. It will fail at some point. The only question is how will it fail and what might the recovery look like, that is, assuming we haven't been occupied by the Russians, Chinese or Canada....heh, heh.

Regular reader Angie over at WhatFloatsMyBoat, has a chilling take on where the country might be headed and how things might play out when Obama's house of cards finally comes crashing down. You should check it out. I don't know if the descent of America will happen this fast but, if we continue under total control by liberals it will certainly happen at some point.

It's depressing to think about where we may be heading, yet heartening to think about the country on the other side. It's not exactly a MadMax scenario but apocalyptic in it's own way.

Ask not for whom The One is contemptuous, for he is comtemptuous of you.

I think I'll order those Survival Seeds and buy a couple more guns after all.

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