Friday, May 08, 2009

Do we really need to know more about homosexual bahavior?

I'm all for government funding of medical research. It falls under the umbrella of "promoting the general welfare" part of the preamble to the Constitution but, this is ridiculous....

Government researchers are spending more than $400,000 in taxpayer money to hit the bars in Argentina.

The National Institutes of Health are paying researchers to cruise six bars in Buenos Aires to find out why gay men engage in risky sexual behavior while drunk -- and just what can be done about it.

Any college frat boy in pursuit of hot coeds can tell you why people engage in risky behavior when drunk. Alcohol depresses the natural inhibitions humans have. Why would gay men be any different than heteros, I mean besides the definitional obvious? Plus, risky sexual behavior is part of the gay lifestyle. It doesn't take almost a half million taxpayer dollars to figure that out.

The question here is, does studying gays in Argentina promote the general welfare of the American taxpayer? Or is it just some NIH bureaucrat doling out free money to his buddies who can't write worthwhile, fund-worthy grants? My bet's on the latter.

Oh, and the answer to the second question, "what can be done about gays' risky behavior"?......Nothing. Gay men engaging in risky sexual behavior is the same as what straight men would do with women, if only women wouldn't be so stubbornly uncooperative. In other words, it's a man thing, not a gay thing.

There, question asked and answered. Can somebody give me $400,000?

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