Saturday, May 09, 2009

The wheeles on the HOPE-n-CHANGE bus go thump, thump, thump

It's getting difficult to even count the bodies under the HopeyChangey Bus.....

WASHINGTON - A top White House aide resigned Friday for his role in Air Force One's $328,835 photo-opportunity flyover above New York City that sparked panic and flashbacks to the Sept. 11, 2001 terrorist attacks.

The sight of the huge passenger jet and an F-16 fighter plane flying past the Statue of Liberty and the tall office buildings in lower Manhattan's financial district sent panicked office workers streaming into the streets on April 27. Obama said it would not happen again.

Louis Caldera said the controversy had made it impossible for him to effectively lead the White House Military Office. "Moreover, it has become a distraction in the important work you are doing as president," Caldera said in his resignation letter to President Barack Obama.

Every President has staff that eventually screw up and some do resign over it, but I've never seen an administration jettison bodies faster than this one. Nobody, nobody had better embarrass The One because everyone is expendable. What a crappy work environment in which dopey, Obama drones must toil.

1 comment:

  1. Didn't one of his nominees for some position send him a rejection letter saying basically the same thing, that her taxpayer problems would be a "distraction" to the "important work" he's doing in office?

    Do they have some kind of form letter for these yuks to sign or something? Fill in the blank with your name and we do the rest - we can't accept because it would distract from Barry's important work?
