Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Who died and made you the authority?

This is the headline from the Mail Online, a gossip rag out of the UK...."Sheer disaster for Renée Zellweger as she suffers a Bridget Jones moment on the Golden Globes red carpet".

I'd like to know what kind of pompous ass grows up wanting to become a critic? Fashion, food, music, art, cinema, literature...the quality, and therefor the popularity, of all these things is entirely subjective. (For those of you who attended dreadful public schools, subjective means defined by personal choice, existing in one's mind).

I've always suspected that people who grow up to become culture critics were talentless, unathletic only-children whose overly critical parents reminded them constantly what soul-crushing disappointments they were as offspring. The resulting superiority complex combined with an aching desire to be meaningful, makes them think they are the final word on whether somebody's dress is OK or not?

There's a reason why "critic" comes so close to "Chlamydia" and "crabs" in the dictionary.

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