Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Bill O'Reilly kisses The One's butt

Here's what Bill O'Reilly had to say when asked about Obama's stimulus package.....

Excuse me! The One is about to spend $1Trillion on an unprovable scheme to create temporary government-infrastructure jobs, and now isn't the time to second guess him? Are you kidding me? This is precisely the time to second guess him! Bill O'Reilly is an ass-kissing, Obama tool and a craven populist. What's good for most of the people isn't necessarily consistent with what's right or Constitutional. But BO'R is in favor of whatever makes the most people happy and makes him liked by everybody. I'm sure he'll stop by The View next where those brainless, shrill harpies will praise him for supporting their messiah.

What a tool!


  1. O'Reilly doesn't do his homework. No evidence shows Obama's plan won't work. That's OK, maybe THIS time big government will save us all and Bill O'Reilly can start and anchor the Obama News Network.

    This is yet another reason why I don't listen to this twit.

  2. Dang it! I didn't proof read my own comment!
    I need to fix my double negative: No evidence shows Obama's plan won't work.

    No evidence show's Obam's plan will work. But who needs history, when you have hope....
