Monday, January 12, 2009

Change for the worse

Despite the overwhelming evidence that global warming is a ridiculous myth and that CO2 has nothing to do with climate change, The One's administration presses on with efforts to diminish the US economy in the name of environmentalism.....but there's a sinister, ulterior motive in play....

Until last week, Carol M. Browner, President-elect Barack Obama's pick as global warming czar, was listed as one of 14 leaders of a socialist group's Commission for a Sustainable World Society, which calls for "global governance" and says rich countries must shrink their economies to address climate change.

By Thursday, Mrs. Browner's name and biography had been removed from Socialist International's Web page, though a photo of her speaking June 30 to the group's congress in Greece was still available.

Socialist International, an umbrella group for many of the world's social democratic political parties such as Britain's Labor Party, says it supports socialism and is harshly critical of U.S. policies.

Of course no one in the MSM will bother to ask about this since they mostly want a diminished, weakend US too. That Obama would proudly appoint an avowed socialist, bent on the subjugation of US interests to those of a one-world government, is breathtaking!

This is the tip of the iceberg folks. With the world rooting for him and the media wearing his rear-end like a hat, there's no telling how far toward socialist policies he'll drag the country.


  1. Lord save us all from the Green lobby!

    The earth's climate has gone through massive periods of change long before we came along.

  2. Right you are Linda. Thanks for stopping by from across the pond.
