Sunday, January 11, 2009

Computers now cause global warming

It's come to this for the eco-loonies......

Performing two Google searches from a desktop computer can generate about the same amount of carbon dioxide as boiling a kettle for a cup of tea, according to new research.

While millions of people tap into Google without considering the environment, a typical search generates about 7g of CO2 Boiling a kettle generates about 15g.

Google is secretive about its energy consumption and carbon footprint. It also refuses to divulge the locations of its data centres. However, with more than 200m internet searches estimated globally daily, the electricity consumption and greenhouse gas emissions caused by computers and the internet is provoking concern.

Let's forget for a minute that CO2 is not a pollutant....after all, plants eat it, or that global warming is a myth. This isn't about the environment. This is about a sinister attempt by environmentalists--aka anti-capitalists, to tax computer use. They'll insist on a search tax that'll be invested, by the government of course, in some nutty tree-planting program or windmill factories or something equally idiotic, in order to offset the eco damage caused by you using your computer.

When are you people going to wake up? It's not about the environment at all. These former, radical hippies loathe capitalism, human progress, and technology. They also hate that there are people who have wealth they don't have, and they use the environment to tax yours away from you.

As always with subversive, environmentalist whack-jobs, the innovations that make life pleasent for humans turns out to be destructive of the environment.


  1. Uhh... "Performing two Google searches from a desktop computer can generate about the same amount of carbon dioxide as boiling a kettle for a cup of tea, according to new research." Who does that kind of research?

    "While millions of people tap into Google without considering the environment..."............................. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!............. Wait, Google generates C02!? I know, I'll just throw my computer out the window to save the planet and not worry about the necessity of the internet now-a-days! Heck! I'll throw my oven out the window too while I'm at it! I never liked tea much anyways. I won't worry about cooking food or anything, I can just eat canned peas and cereal for every meal.

  2. O yeah and we should stop breathing too. Apparently one breath~7ml of C02. I had to look that up in an encyclopedia because I threw my computer out the window already.
