Friday, January 09, 2009

Everybody else is doing it, why not Hustler?

This is absolutely brilliant......

With the financial industry, auto makers and more getting assistance from the federal government to stay afloat during the recession, the adult industry decided it would try to get something as well.

Girls Gone Wild CEO Joe Francis and “Hustler” magazine publisher Larry Flynt have said they will petition Congress for financial aid along the lines of what the Big Three auto makers are getting.

Francis said that he and Flynt are asking for $5 billion, and that they have sent letters to Treasury Secretary Henry Paulson, Congress and their local Congressman, Henry Waxman (D-Calif.) with the proposal.

Francis said in an interview with FOX Business. "We will use the money wisely, and we will create more jobs."

Francis said that if invited, he and Flynt would drive across the country in a hybrid vehicle to present their plans to Congress.

Francis said he and Flynt would also be willing to discuss the possibility of the government buying equity stakes in their companies, as was done with financial firms.

"If the government would like to be a partner with Mr. Flynt and I, we’re certainly amenable to it," he said.

I know this article reads like satire from The Onion, but it's quite real. And it brilliantly illustrates the absurdity of the government bailing out private industries who're too incompetent to be successful in the free-enterprise market.

If the various industries who're begging taxpayers for bailout cash, deserve it, then by the exact same arguments, so does the porn industry.

The reference to that idiotic, driving-to-DC-in-a-hybrid stunt was priceless!

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