Wednesday, January 28, 2009


This so-called stimulus package is nothing but the liberal democrats' dream of using other peoples' money to pay back campaign favors, engineer a socialist utopia, and redistribute purchasing power from the people who earned it, to derelicts who didn't.

But it's also a zero-sum scheme being paraded by The One as an infusion of money into the economy. Before they can send out "stimulus" checks, however, they first have to confiscate that money from taxpayers, then they give us back, in the form of stimulus checks, the same money they took from us to begin with. How does this stimulate the economy when no extra money is available? They will simply have taken money from the productive achievers in society, and given it to the loafing derelicts who voted for The One. So instead of having money responsibly invested in job creation by people who know how, you have that same money spent on cigarettes, booze, and crystal meth...or whatever idle democrat voters do for recreation.

The triumvirate of leftist snake-oil salesmen explain how they will remake America into a socialist, utopian hell-hole, with them in charge, of course.

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