Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Cameras don't take porno pics, perverts do

Obama, Pelosi, and Reid are dragging America toward the dark, socialist abyss, and Peter King(R) New York is worried about stupid camera phones?

Cameraphone perverts of the world beware: the American government is after you.

Well, not the entire government - yet, anyway. According to the Camera Phone Predator Alert Act - a piece of legislation submitted to Congress by New York Republican Peter King - all camphones could be required by law to make a clicking sound when a picture is taken.

I'll bet the daughter of some big donor to King's PAC, had some teenage creep snap an upskirt picture of her in a mall arcade or something, and demanded congressional action to prevent it from happening again.

As a civilization, are we really to the point of making techological advances behave like the archaic ones they replaced because we can't get used to the new ones? Isn't snapping upskirt pictures illegal already?

Camera phones have to make a clicking noise? Are you kidding me?

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