Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Despicable, trial-lawyer vampires try to cash in on Hudson plane crash

At times like this the best and the worst of American culture gets exposed.....

Many US Airways (LCC) passengers who endured a crash landing in the Hudson River 12 days ago say they appreciate the $5,000 that the airline has offered — but some say it's not enough.
Joe Hart, a salesman from Charlotte who suffered a bloody nose and bruises, says he "would like to be made whole for the incident."

It's too soon after the accident to determine what emotional distress he has suffered, he says.

What a dispicable, loathsome turd this guy Hart is! Who guarantees that life should be stress-free? He's lucky to be alive and negligence had nothing to do with the crash. We Americans have been well-trained by wretched trial lawyers to expect no-fault lives. And when something happens to us, somebody else, always with deep pockets, is to blame. There's always a big payday waiting around the next corner.

If this jerk Hart wants to sue somebody, why not PETA for pitching a hissy fit when the airport tried to get rid of the flocks of geese? Hopefully the next plane crash will be headed to a trial-lawyer convention and the outcome won't be so good.

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