Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Al Gore braves bitter cold to whine about non-existant warming......and gives Americans a much needed laugh

Al Gore unwittingly decends into self-parody as he tries to get Congress ginned up about the global warming haox on a day when a winter weather storm hammers Washington DC....

WASHINGTON -- Former Vice President Al Gore is urging Congress not to be sidetracked by the current financial crisis and to take "decisive action" this year to reduce the heat-trapping gases responsible for global warming.

Gore, scheduled to appear before the Senate Foreign Relations Committee on Wednesday, planned to tell lawmakers that a bill capping greenhouse gas emissions is needed if the U.S. is to play a leading role in negotiations for a new international climate treaty

Global warming ranked dead last on a list of things of concern to Americans, and the desperate Goreacle sees his income stream dwindling as people finally wake up from their pixie dust induced, global-warming slumber and realize that the Earth isn't warming, the seas are not rising, and that Al Gore is a snake-oil salesman of the worst kind.

Why Congress is giving him an audience is beyond me, except that stupid, delusional democrats are in charge, and half of them are in on the climate-change bamboozle.

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