Tuesday, October 28, 2008

The Obamessiah's hidden agenda

This is a shocking radio interview of the Obamessiah from back in 2001 in which he laments that, within the context of the civil-rights movement, the Supreme Court didn't "break free" from the constraints of the Constitution in order to address "redistributive justice"....

It is rare today to find someone younger than 30 who learned about the Constitution, and what is means to the individual American, in school. That government indoctrination centers just do not teach US History and Constitutional History is no accident or oversight. It is purely by design. The further removed, generationally, from knowledge about the Constitution you can make young Americans, the less they will care if you trample on it, as long as they believe, no matter how stupidly, that the trampling is on their behalf. Barack Hussein Obama is the first candidate who has taken full advantage of this Constitutional generation gap. Look at the people who're voting for him. They don't have even foggy knowledge of the Constitution, much less an appreciation of it, nor that it guarantees our God-given rights against government heavy-handedness, and Obama is counting on that. To him the Constitution is an archaic document that impedes his socialist drive toward "redistributive justice". And this generation of government-educated, dumbed-down, cultish followers will help him achieve, in spite of the Constitution, his vision of a socialized utopia.

Karl Marx famously stated: The education of all children, from the moment that they can get along without a mother's care, shall be in state institutions at state expense.

This is Obama's vision of America. It's no coincidence that one of his first acts will be to institute government-run daycare centers all over the country. He wants to begin the indoctrination of your children into social-liberalism as soon as possible so they'll grow up to be loyal democrat voters who expect cradle-to-grave care from the benevolent government....at the expense of others of course.

One last thing that nobody's pointed out yet. The topic of this interview was the Civil Rights Movement. In that context, he mentions "redistributive justice" several times. At the risk of sounding racist, doesn't that mean his vision is to take wealth from whites specifically, and distribute it specifically to blacks? In other words, Obama isn't so much about equal outcomes with respect to class, but equal outcomes with respect to skin color. Nevermind that the Constitution guarantees equal opportunities for all, not equal outcomes.

It is absolutely horrifying to think this far-left radical might be President....

Let the hate-mail begin.


  1. You are spot on about education. It doesn't make any sense at all to keep pushing early education, but the Democrats love it. Never mind the drastic academic decline in high schools - just get them in government care earlier. WHY? There is no academic reason - that has already been proven.

  2. I really believe that leftist radicals like Obama have a subversive determination to skirt the Constitution any way they can, and slowly but surely drive America into a collectivist cesspool where everybody but the ruling elites are equal in misery, wholly dependent on them to meet our every need.

    Damn, this election scares me!
