Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Obama Economics at their Finest


The election is all but over according to all the pollsters and the MSM talking-head geeks we hear from. So I decided to join the bandwagon. I went on to AlGore's invented internet, perused many psuedo-credible sources and learned all about the Marx-ication of America (conveniently entitled the redistribution of wealth). I am now a practicing member. Here is my story:

I took a client to eat lunch today. As we approached the selected restaurant, I noticed a man (he appeared to be homeless) standing by with a sign asking for monetary handouts. As usual I ignored him and went about my business. We had a great lunch, I closed a nice deal! The waitress brings our check, and I noticed that she was proudly wearing an Obama '08 pin. I paid the tab and told her that since she supported Obama, she would understand that she would receive no compensation from me, as I was choosing to give her tip amount to the homeless guy outside. She stood with her hands planted on her hips and huffed in disgust. I walked outside handed the tip amount to the homeless guy and told him to thank the hard working waitress in the restaurant for this, because she earned it, and I was just listening to the next President and redistributing the wealth.

I think this redistribution thing is going to take a little getting used to.

By the way, I will now be standing near an expensive restaurant here in town waiting for my redistribution portion 3 nights a week and on all nice weather weekends. What a great country!!


  1. I call BS. I heard this same story on Rush Limbaugh today. And I do not think restaurant employees get to wear T-shirts that might alienate half their diners.

  2. I read about this trick 3 days ago and tried it! It worked. And by the way, Anon, I could care less what you call or how gutter your call is. I found it to be ironic to trap a democratic supporter in their own self induced fiasco. We all will have opportunities to "enjoy" the moment. Also, if you would read, I said she was wearing a pin, not a T-shirt. If you also notice, I stated upfront this came from my reading on the internet. You need to lighten up a little.
