Monday, October 27, 2008

America's days may be numbered if Obama wins

Over at Moonbattery, Van Helsing has this YouTube clip posted.....

If you can't come up with any other reason not to vote for Obama in one week, this should pretty much convince you.....that is unless you are an America-hating, sycophantic Marxist.


  1. Been hanging around with Kev lately, Ed?

  2. I just calls 'em like I sees 'em.

    Capt., may I assume you'll be voting for the Obamessiah....I mean since you insist on defending him all the time? Do you seriously think his race-warfare, redistributionist, high-tax vision for America is a good one?

    Let's see you defend your position for a change.

  3. I will not vote for Obama. I'm not defending him all the time.

    What I deeply dislike that an intelligent man like you use phrases as 'America-hating, sycophantic Marxist'. Leave that kinda talk to those who doesn't know better.

  4. Capt., how else would you describe a voting base who literally(not figuratively) worship a politician, but as sycophants? How else would you describe a voting base who are in total favor of replacing the banking, healthcare, mortgage, retirement, labor, and other markets with government-controlled, class warfare, race-based quota programs, but as America-hating? And how else would you describe a voting base who loves the idea of a common pot of wealth that the government takes from the disfavored productive class, and distributes to the favored shiftless, but as Marxists?

    I'm not just calling names for fun. I meant every label I assigned to the typical Obama voter. That words like "sycophantic" and "Marxist" actually apply, and aren't just names, should give any American pause before installing this guy as CiC. But government-schooled, race-centric, celebrity-obsessed Americans refuse to use their lone functioning neuron to think rationally, they just want the black guy who's going to give them goodybags full of cash and prizes that somebody else earned.

    I appreciate your request for civility in our debate but, trust me, America is about to take a huge leap off a cliff from which we cannot scramble back, and it's based on little more than celebrity worship, race, and class envy. I chose those terms carefully because they are spot on.
