Tuesday, October 21, 2008

Obama's New Deal

Michael Medved has an excellent, but chilling article about what the country will certainly look like after a few years of radically left, democrat rule. Based on Obama's own words and policies, Medved paints a bleak picture of a soviet-style, entitlement state where huge groups of Americans(loyal democrat voters) essentially live of the earnings of other Americans. A nation where freedoms, liberties, and personal responsiblity have died, and been replaced by government dependence, degeneracy, and sloth. If you fear the coming socialist revolution under the Obamessiah, this is a must read. Go on over to TownHall and read it. Then send this link to any of your friends who're thinking of voting for The One.

1 comment:

  1. I saw a classroom with two shirts hanging on the board - one McCain -the other.. nea for Obama. That's our future. Makes me ill.

    I read The Giver with my son. I keep thinking SAMENESS.
