Tuesday, October 21, 2008

The gathering cloud of socialism

Liberal democrats are so certain of an Obama victory in two weeks that they are actually coming out and saying what they normally go to great lengths to hide from voters......

Rep. Barney Frank: "Yes, I believe later on there should be tax increases. Speaking personally, I think there are a lot of very rich people out there whom we can tax at a point down the road and recover some of this money."

There you have it folks. What you have worked hard for and earned doesn't really belong to you. The government, under the direction of people like Frank, has a right to everything you make. Your income isn't based on what you earned, it's based only on what Barney Frank lets you keep. Unless the Bradley effect kicks in on election day, we are in for a rude awakening on Jan 21. America will cease to be about freedom and opportunity. Instead, it'll be about punishing success and taking wealth from the achievers and doling it out to the feckless, creating a boundless democrat voting base of unmotivated, sniveling degenerates.


  1. Notice the hand on the ass. Is the old guy a perv or is he trying to get at the young guys wallett (cause he makes too much money)?

    Barney Frank Homo??? Who Knows!!!

  2. I couldn't care less about his orientation, just stay away from my wallet.....damn theiving liberal!
