Monday, October 20, 2008

Hey senator Kerry, why the long face?

John Kerry manages to dip into the shame kettle a little deeper as he jokes around with some audience, evidently bored with life to the point that it's either go to a Kerry speech or commit suicide. I'd take suicide personally....but that's just me.

Kerry tried to relay to the audience what it is like to face the press corps’ inquiries.

“I don’t know if any of you know what it’s like. I do, obviously,” he said. “I’ve been asked all of those brilliant questions that were repeated this year.”

“Barack got asked the famous boxers or briefs question,” Kerry went on. “I was tempted to say commando.”

The senator said Obama successfully parried that question but that John McCain, the GOP nominee, had some problems.

“Then they asked McCain and McCain said, ‘Depends,’” Kerry said to lots of laughter from the crowd.

You'd think that a prissy gigilo like John Kerry, who's made a profession out of marrying vapid, rich widows and living off the fortunes earned by better men than himself, would feel shameful about making continence jokes about other senators. And you'd think that a traitor and coward who cavorted with the enemy while his fellow soldiers fought and died on the battlefield would feel shameful about never working an honest job in his life, but rather makes his living sucking at the public teet as a US senator. But then again, you'd think that a man who either injured himself or faked injury outright in Vietnam, in order to collect his three undeserved purple hearts so he could go home and turn on his country, would feel shameful about even drawing breath every day......but you'd be wrong if that guy is John Kerry.

Here's Lurch, sneaking a lecherous gander at the local "produce".


  1. It is obvious some warmed over Rove supporters are still out trying to cash in on smearing, lying and attempting to discredit a good man.
    A litle advise- give it up. These tactics aren't working anymore.

  2. anon, you are a schmuck for defending this lying, traitorous sponge. He faked his purple heart injuries. He gave aid and comfort to the enemy, which by their own admission, gave them the impetus to fight on, knowing that with Americans like Kerry and Jane Fonda on their side, they would eventually win the war of wills. As a lapdog gigilo, he lives off the riches earned by other men.

    What's there to defend, anon?

  3. I loved that Kerry joke!

    People haven't gotten over the last election - can you imagine if McCain wins??

  4. If McCain pulls this one out of his ass, there might be Rodney King type riots in every city in America. I hope not, but the expectations for him to win are so high that most liberals(95% of blacks vote D) will feel cheated. If inner-city yutes feel cheated by a white minority, look out.
