Saturday, August 30, 2008

TRR Poll Question

Well, if McCain didn't accomplish anything else by picking Alaska Governor, Sarah Palin, as his running mate, he got the Obamessiah off the front pages for a change, and that's quite an accomplishment since the sycophantic, liberal media are totally and completely in the tank for him. That brings us to the weekend TRR poll question. Jump in with your opinion and leave a comment about S.P. in the comments thread if you like....

What do you think of McCain's pick for VP, Sarah Palin?
Not enough executive experience, it hurts the ticket
It's a blatant and insulting pander to women
She's terrific! An excellent pick by J.Mac
Who cares if she's experienced? I dig those hottie librarian glasses
Free polls from

1 comment:

  1. Yeah... I'm glad Obama was off the front page for a few days. His lips freak me out.
