Friday, August 29, 2008

McCain strikes Yukon gold!!!

By selecting Alaska governor Sarah Palin to be his running mate, John McCain has in one brilliant move, yanked the minority rug out from under the Obamessiah, trumped Obama on the female front, made the Obama campaign look like the insider campaign, and energized his otherwise run-of-the-mill campaign.

A few of my thoughts on Sarah Palin:

-Nothing ages a person like the presidency, which means John McCain will be like 103 after 4 years in office. That makes Sarah Palin the odds-on republican to run for the office.

-Hillary must be thinking that she can't buy votes in prison with a hand full of pardons. First the young, black upstart steals what has always been her birthright....the dem nomination. Then Sarah Palin comes along and becomes the nations most prominent female politician, displacing Hillary perilously close to irrelevant status. Hillary had assumed that if J.Mac wins this election and serves one term, it's her turn alone in 4 years to become president....but now she'll have to run against a prettier, younger, and far less corrupt female. Drats, drats, and double drats!!!

-The Obamessiah's handlers must be in a blind panic about how to attack Palin without coming across as bullies. I almost feel sorry for poor Joe Biden for having to debate her once....almost.

-The worst thing the dems can say about Sarah Palin is that she's a hunter and a lifelong NRA member.

-She's already come under attack by the hypocritical MSM for agreeing to tackle the VP job while being the mother of 5. Remember, these are the same people who have told women for 40 years to go out into the workforce, abandon their families for their careers, and reject the traditional notions of the patriarchal society in which men work and women care for families.

-Her credentials for president are stronger already than the Obamessiah himself. She has executive experience.

-When you do a side-by-side between Palin and Michelle Obama and Hillary Clinton, Hillary has so much baggage and skeletons by comparison it's ridiculous. And Michelle just comes across as a militant, angry black woman with a huge racial chip on her shoulder. Sarah Palin comes across as a reasonable, rational mother and wife without a lot of issues or axes to grind.

-Many in the MSM seem to already be more excited about Sarah Palin than the Obamessiah.

-I predict women by the tens of thousands, including many feminists, will abandon Obama to vote for John McCain and Sarah Palin. Only Geraldine Ferraro has come this far in American politics.

Bottom line.....I'm jazzed about this election where I wasn't so much yesterday.

1 comment:

  1. I haven't vetted Mrs. Palin yet but at a glance she has revolutionized my thinking about this campaign. In a single moment I've shifted from not even wanting to vote to thinking there may be hope yet.

    Under the circumstances, McCain could not have made a better choice. I will do my own investigating first but it appears my interest has returned and the Obama campaign might just be eclipsed.

    Palin potential baggage for the Dems: NRA, an infant with Down's, and her apparant interest with "big" oil.

    Palin's potential baggage with me: the odd names of her children, i.e. Track, Trig, Willow, etc. Were Bruce and Demi involved in the name selection?
