Saturday, August 30, 2008

Everybody's jazzed about Palin

Over at RightWingNews John Hawkins has a list(cross posted from GinaCobb) detailing 25 reasons to love Sarah Palin for VP.

Here's #25 to whet your appetite:

By her very existence she puts the lie to numerous liberal mantras, such as the notion that women cannot advance without affirmative action; Republicans are sexist; John McCain is out of touch; anyone who loves Alaska's beauty can't support drilling in ANWR; mothers of troops in harms' way want to cut and run from Iraq; and women need government programs to manage marriage, children and work simultaneously.

See, there are all these positives that will absolutely confound liberals' attempts to smear her or otherwise paint her as somehow undesirable as VP. Her 2 years of executive experience is 2 years more than the Obamessiah or Biden has. What's that you say? Experience in Alaska doesn't count for much as it only has 3 electoral votes? Guess how many electoral votes Biden's state of Delaware has......3. And playing obstruction politics on the Foreign Relations Committee doesn't exactly count for Biden as experience either.


  1. One thing many of my friends have brought up is the fact that Palin seems almost like a tool at this point to win the election. I have to agree here, but my agreement doesn't mean anything. Why does anyone choose who their running mate will be? You want as many votes as possible, and if Palin brings in the most votes, then you add her to your campaign, simple as that.

  2. Kevin, I agree with you.
    A tool but one that cannot be relegated to the tool shed as a rusty farm implement. The VP is next in line in the succession plan and in this case SP is far more useful and comforting than Biden.

    I am excited and re-energized about this choice for more reasons than I can count.

    Tom Brockaw -the man with the marbles in his mouth- is on Meet the Press trying to marginalize her already.

  3. about a tool...and a useful idiot as well!

    If Palin shows that she's deeper than people are giving her credit for, by pwning Biden in the debates, after which McCain will win in November, then I'll be excited about the GOP being able to take responsibility for placing a woman in the oval office in 4-8 years. Man, would that irritate the democrats.

  4. How ironic would it be if she took office in 8 years as president?

  5. Why wait? How about four years?

  6. J.Mac might be thinking 8 but, the party may ease him out after 4 if they think Palin is ready.

  7. I'm sure McCain is thinking eight. But thinking and doing are different and he already looks tired.

  8. No force ages a man like the US Presidency, and J.Mac might just say screw it after 4 if SP's ready to take over.

  9. McCain's health is actually a factor in voting this year as well, there is a serious possibility he won't even make 4 years.

  10. I have to admit I was initially glad simply because he chose a woman. I wouldn't vote for her just because she is, but I thought it was a brilliant move.
    After reading up a bit, I think she's the perfect choice, and I will now seriously consider voting for McCain.
    She seems spunky. It's obvious she's nobody's bitch. Maybe she'll help to restore and repair the repuation of the GOP. Let's face it, Republicans haven't been so conservative.

  11. I couldn't agree more. McCain was the most liberal choice the GOP made for candidacy in my opinion.

  12. Right you are Tracie, under Bush the size and price of government has increased more than during the Great Society days. McCain's a RINO in a lot of ways too. I think Palin resonates with a lot of traditional conservatives because it's been a while since we had a real one in a position to do something.
