Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Scott McClellan.....democrat tool

Since his treacherous, backstabbing book has failed to sell very many copies, former WH press secretary Scott McClellan decided to attack his former employer further in the hopes of driving sales.....

Former White House press secretary Scott McClellan has dropped yet another bombshell, telling “Hardball” host Chris Matthews on Friday that the Bush administration helped “shape the narrative” of Fox News by passing “taking points” to certain members of Fox’s nighttime lineup—a point not lost on Matthews or Keith Olbermann, who pursued the story on “Countdown.”

He named O'Reilly and Hannity, who both vehemently denied taking talking points from the administration. And I believe them. Of course Matthews and Olby are every bit the unapologetic mouthpieces for the democrats. They don't even bother pretending to be journalists anymore. They baited McClellan and he not only exposed himself as a clueless dupe of the left, but a not very bright one either. What a tool!

1 comment:

  1. Why would it even matter? MSNBC, CBS, NBC, and CNN are the most liberal newscasts in history. They might as well be the news groups straight out of 1984. So what if Fox chooses to go the other way? At least we can get two different sides of the story. As for whether or not this accusation is true, I tend to believe O'Reilly and Hannity.
