Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Generally, I don't like to mock the religious folks, at least not the ones who don't want to fly airplanes into our skyscrapers. That said, this idea of asking God to intercede into, and alter, a process to which man willingly subjected himself, seems kind of trivial and silly.....

ST. LOUIS (AP) - Two prayer services will be held at St. Louis gas stations to thank God for lower fuel prices and to ask that they continue to drop. Darrell Alexander, Midwest co-chair of the Pray at the Pump movement, says prayer gatherings will be held Monday afternoon and evening at a Mobil station west of downtown St. Louis.
Participants say they plan to buy gas, pray and then sing "We Shall Overcome" with a new verse, "We'll have lower gas prices."

An activist from the Washington D.C. area, Rocky Twyman, started the effort, saying if politicians couldn't lower gas prices, it was time to ask God to intervene.

The group thinks the prayer is helping, saying prices are starting to fall below $4 a gallon.

That's the same logic the Indians used to explain when it rained at some point after their rain dance. They're also showing how ignorant they are in thinking politicians can directly control gas prices. God gave man the intelligence and means by which he can somewhat control his environment through his actions. I think we're supposed to try that first, then pray about it. Man invented the internal comubstion engine, the petroleum markets to fuel it, and the supply/demand/price structure that controls it. To ask God to relieve us from it's effects when we are unwilling to relieve ourselves is preposterous, and itself, makes a mockery of the serious practice of religion.

While they're at it, they may as well ask for the sun to burn a little cooler, rocks to not be so hard, and ratings for Keith Olberman's show to improve.

1 comment:

  1. God doesn't care about gas prices. Hate to tell you, but I really don't think God even likes money. Look at the root of almost all problems in the world, and money is at the center of it. Money stands for everything God isn't about. These kooks must not know anything.
