Monday, July 28, 2008

Get well soon, Bob Novak

Chicago Sun-Times columnist Robert Novak announced Monday he has been diagnosed with a brain tumor, but says “God willing” he will be back at work soon.

Novak said he was diagnosed on Sunday with a brain tumor and will soon begin treatment at Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston.

The TV show that introduced me to political philosophy and the differences between liberals and conservatives back in the early 80's was CNN's Crossfire with Robert Novak and Michael Kinsley, at the time. It's been pointed out by many today already but, when Ted Kennedy, the figure-head of Washington liberalism, was diagnosed with health problems a month ago, I don't remember seeing a single prominent conservative anywhere on the internet say anything bad about him. Let's see if the same class and decorum can be found on the left when one of ours is down. I doubt it but, we'll see.

I'll lift one for you tonight Bob, and here's hoping you make a speedy recovery and return to kicking liberal ass soon.

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