Monday, July 28, 2008

It's not pollution, it's science

I found this story over at BelchSpeak, from Ananova....

Villagers were shocked after a monkey-like piglet was born in China.

Curious locals flocked to the home of owner Feng Changlin after news of the piglet spread in Fengzhang village, Xiping township.

"It's hideous. No one will be willing to buy it, and it scares the family to even look at it!" Feng told Oriental Today.

He says the piglet looks just like a monkey, with two thin lips, a small nose and two big eyes. Its rear legs are also much longer than its forelegs, causing it to jump instead of walk.

Feng's wife said the monkey-faced piglet was one of five newborns of a sow which the family had raised for nine years.

"My God, it was so scary. I didn't known what it was. I was really frightened," she said.

"But our son likes to play with it, and he stopped us from getting rid of it. He even feeds it milk."

I was in the middle of eating lunch when I first saw this picture, and I swear, I almost tossed my left-over roast and potatos onto my keyboard. I literally gagged.

Don't tell me the Chinese aren't experimenting with chimeric species technology. But why a pig and a monkey? A cross between say....Madonna and a SlimJim meat snack would be much more interesting. My bad, they already did.......


  1. holy crap! This thing looks like one of those cross animals the mad scientist in southpark made! The one that always makes monkeys with two butts and crosses between humans and ostriches and stuff. Freaky. Just plain freaky.

  2. Carlos, the animals in South Park were much different... They had 4 butts.

  3. by the way, this picture of Madonna is completely photoshopped, look at her bicep in her left arm. What the????

  4. It's not photoshopped. When you're 50, dehydrated, over-trained, and under-fed, your muscles appear loose like that. Like all 50-somethings, she's losing collagen in her skin which makes it all appear loose.

  5. Yes but she has a huge lump in her left arm. There is like a noticeable line, where the skin tone goes from light to dark. Gah that is disgusting.
