Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Reader Mail

You all know what a caring, compassionate and sympathetic humanitarian I am, and I always look out for the health and welfare of others. That said, regular reader David wrote in with this cautionary tale I thought you should know about.....

A Mendocino County woman who was trying to kill mice in her trailer with a gun ended up shooting herself and another person.
The 43-year-old woman pulled out her .44-caliber Magnum revolver after she saw the mice scurrying across the floor of her trailer on Highway 20 in Potter Valley, sheriff's officials said.
But she accidentally dropped the gun, which went off as it struck the floor. The bullet went through the woman's kneecap, bounced off the keys sitting on the belt loop of a 42-year-old man in the trailer and grazed the man's groin before ending up in his coin pocket.
Authorities did not release the shooting victims' names.
The mice escaped the shooting unharmed.

The moral of this story: Use appropriate-caliber weaponry when gunning for varmints in your double-wide.

Virtual cookie to the first reader to name the origin of this quote...

"...the .44Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world, and would blow your head clean off..."


  1. It has to be a Clint Eastwood film, Dirty Harry maybe? And wow, who tries to shoot mice?

  2. Kevin wins a cookie.

    Did she ever hear of cats?

  3. Now "do you feel lucky, punk?"

  4. Haha wow that was an awesome guess, i have never even seen the movie.

  5. Noooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The instant i read that quote I immediately knew it was Clint Eastwood! However I have been on vacation and havent had a chance to read it in time. O well. I believe I can relate to this woman as my family has a history of shooting varmints with double-barreled shotguns. And the majority of the family is blind. Yes there are definately stupid people out there Ed and it is your job and the job of readers at therightrant to put them in their place.
