Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Racism, the boogie-man around every corner

It's to the point now when a white person cannot even dare to utter the word "black", regardless of context, for fear of being accused of racism...

Dallas County commissioners were discussing problems with the central collections office that is used to process traffic ticket payments and handle other paperwork normally done by the JP Courts.

Commissioner Kenneth Mayfield, who is white, said it seemed that central collections "has become a black hole" because paperwork reportedly has become lost in the office.

Commissioner John Wiley Price, who is black, interrupted him with a loud "Excuse me!" He then corrected his colleague, saying the office has become a "white hole."

That prompted Judge Thomas Jones, who is black, to demand an apology from Mayfield for his racially insensitive analogy.

So not only is John Wiley Price an hysterical, hyper-sensitive moron, but Judge Jones is equally retarded.
Let's look at some other common phrases that must be striken from the lexicon since they invoke visions of water cannons, cross burnings, and white sheets, when overheard by race-sensitive blacks:
-"black chocolat", "brown chocolat", "milk chocolat" all have obvious racial overtones and should not be used in public discourse
-"in the black", though complimentary in accounting terms, should be avoided, as county commissioners are rarely smart enough to have passed accounting101, and besides, their operations are almost always "in the red". Sorry, you can't use "in the red" either, it's offensive to Native Americans.
-"on the black market" should not be used, even by law enforcement, lest blacks think you are referring to a market where blacks should shop, as opposed to the "white's-only" market.

Seriously, can these two imbeciles really not know what every 8 year old in the world knows?

To uneducated, black race-baiters, the entire universe is racist....literally. And I guess this makes references to "White Dwarfs" insensitive to both blacks and little people.


  1. If I have to give up "Black Friday" I'm going to be pissed.

  2. No more Black-Russians for me;
    I will also dispose of my "Black belt" in karate; I guess "black and tans' are out as well (doublely offensive); what about "Yellow-Dog Democrats" I guess that will truly offend asians and all with some brain cells. Sorry I couldn't resist the politicaly incorrect snipe. Back to work

  3. Lynch, Black, Slave, Master. Fine then, if the African Americans want to take some of our words away from us, lets take away white and cracker, and also ban them from saying lynch, black, slave and master. Freedom of speech, if one person can't say it, no one can. Unfortunately too many uneducated people fail to understand this concept. It is possible to lynch a white person. It is possible for a white person to be a slave and have a master. While it may be difficult for a white person to be black, it is possible that they need to use it for other purposes such as the one above, which in no way pertains to african americans. How stupid are people getting?

  4. The sad part about this is that ultimately it seems that most people are racists or at least racially biased. As long as the people in this country wear their heritage feelings on their sleeves and are not willing to hear what someone is saying before attacking we will not ever get through this.I noticed in your report of this incidence, that the judge demanded an apology from Commissioner Mayfield, but did not even address Commissioner Price about his racial retort. Seems to me that a judge should be able to rise above and stay on the high ground, since he is in a position to rule on peoples lives. One would hope that color would not enter into his decisions, but this indicates the opposite.
