Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Bizarro world

The sickening subservience of Great Britons to their Muslim overlords continues as cops arrest citizens for protecting their families from roving bands of "youths"....

For more than two years, Sydney Davis's house has been under siege from youths throwing stones.

("youths" is a PC euphemism for Muslim youths)

After two hours of bombardment in the latest attack and no sign of the police, the 65-year-old retired builder decided enough was enough.

As a particularly large missile landed in his kitchen, he grabbed a plank of wood from the garden and ran towards the gang to scare them away.

The police arrived just in time - to arrest Mr Davis for possession of an offensive weapon.

He now faces up to six months in prison. Yesterday Mr Davis said he was bewildered by the decision to prosecute him.

He claims objects have been thrown at his house on 700 separate occasions.
His windows have been smashed five times in eight months.

When a man cannot protect his life, family, and property from assault, because the police are afraid of offending the criminals, western civilization is surely on the brink of utter collapse.

1 comment:

  1. A few months ago, I saw a man come to a screeching halt, get out of his car, and whack some kids (5 of them) with what looked like a broom handle. He was screaming at them about how they beat up two small kids. The group of 5 is well known for terrorizing other kids. One of them beat my pastor's son senseless. Two of the 5 were thrown out of school for beating on kids. I thought the man was insane, but at the same time I really thought those boys deserved what they were getting. Of course the guy was arrested. I mean you can't go around beating kids with sticks. But the fact that the broomstick guy was made the villan only encourages those kids to beat someone else up.
