Thursday, July 17, 2008

It's Ann Coulter Thursday!

This week Ann mocks the democrats for whining about gas prices as they blame the oil men in the White House(Bush, Cheney) explicitly for it. The fact is that Congressional inaction had more to do with our not drilling for oil than the CiC. Instead, politically correct liberals decided that throwing billions down the rabbit hole of alternative fuels that are so inefficient and costly, they cannot compete in the energy marketplace, was the answer. Here's and exerpt....

If the Democrats really wanted oil companies to find more oil, they'd allow oil companies to drill offshore and to drill in ANWR, which we happen to know is bursting with oil.

But they don't. They don't want drilling. They don't want more oil. They want humans to ride bicycles and then to die. We deserve it: We were mean to the polar bears.

Go here and read the article. Witty and sarcastic as always.

1 comment:

  1. You are fucking stupid, arrogant, and ignorant - and obviously an American.

    You think people care about your self-absorbed opinions.. it's people like you that are ruining the world.

    Don't you dare criticize Canada or any other country. You Americans are the biggest mess of all, and are going to be the ones that spearhead the earth into a shithole.

    Get your head out of your ass and look around.
