Thursday, July 17, 2008

No media bias to see here folks, move along

The main-stream media have abandoned all pretense of objectivity and journalistic self-respect when it comes to the Obamessiah candidacy. We've all known for decads that they've chosen political sides but, generally they try to hide it a little.....not any more. Around Obama, they're like giddy school girls backstage at a David Cassidy concert....

Katie Couric, Brian Williams and Charlie Gibson to accompany OBAMA to Europe/MiddleEast!!

The three network anchors will travel to Europe and the Middle East next week for Barack Obama's trip, adding their high-wattage spotlight to what is already shaping up as a major media extravaganza.

Lured by an offer of interviews with the Democratic presidential candidate, Brian Williams, Charlie Gibson and Katie Couric will make the overseas trek, meaning that the NBC, ABC and CBS evening newscasts will originate from stops along the route and undoubtedly give it big play.

John McCain has taken three foreign trips in the past four months, all unaccompanied by a single network anchor.

There is no shame with these people anymore. They don't even pretend to be journalists. They are proud advocates of their personal savior...Barack Obama. It's embarrassing! It's like he sprinkled pixie dust along with his vacuous, flowery rhetoric and we're all in a stupor. I just hope the American electorate wakes up from their Obama-worship long enough to NOT vote for this pied piper.


  1. "But have you ever heard Obama speak Ed? It is amazing! He told me that he wanted to take over the world, take all of my money, and use me as a slave, but it was the way he said it! It was the way he said it. He is such an amazing human being."

    -Typical Obama Fan

  2. Thanks for posting this, Ed.

    Did you see the NYT article?

  3. Thanks for passing that along golem. I'm surprised that the NY fish-wrapper admits that there's bias, though not in those words, on the part of the MSM.

  4. Ed when did it become Charlie and not Charles?

  5. I don't know JC. He probably takes himself very seriously as a "journalist" so I imagine he prefers Charles. But, his handlers feel that Charlie endears him in a familiar way, to the handful of viewers they have left.
