Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Enough with Andy Dick already!

Famous comedian, drunk, addict, and all-'round douchebag Andy Dick just can't seem to stay away from trouble, this time with a seventeen year old....

The 17-year-old female and several witnesses told police that as Dick left the establishment, he approached two females outside the bar. Dick walked up to the 17-year-old female, grabbed her tank top and bra and pulled them down and exposed her breasts, they said. He then was escorted by several of his friends to a truck which was stopped by arriving police officers in a nearby Sam’s Club a few moments later.

According to the Web site, Dick was in the front passenger seat of the truck. A curbside lineup was conducted and Dick was identified by the 17-year-old female, as well as a witness. During a search, marijuana and Xanax were found in Dick’s pants pockets.

Andy Dick was sort of funny on NewsRadio, but I'll always think of him as being indirectly responsible for the 1998 deaths of Phil and Brynn Hartman. According to Jon Lovitz, they were at a Christmas party at the Hartman's. Brynn had been clean and sober for 10 years and what does Andy Dick do? Talk her into doing some cocaine with him. Six months later, a depressed and disturbed Brynn shot Phil and then herself, leaving two young children.

Now I'm not one to make excuses for addiction, and apparently Brynn had other problems too but, when somebody's cleaned themselves up, you go out of your way to not tempt them. Jon Lovitz has kicked Andy's butt a time or two since then because of it.

Anyway, look at this mug shot and tell me Andy Dick isn't a loathsome piece of crap and doesn't deserve whatever happens to him in jail.

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