Friday, March 14, 2008

Website of the Day

As you probably know, I peruse dozens of websites and blogs each day, ferreting out the interesting stories of the day so you don't have to...'cause I'm selfless and thoughtful like that. In my wanderings I've come across some sites that are interesting, entertaining, and informative. I'm going to have a new feature that I'll try to renew every day called Website of the Day where I'll link to one of these sites and give a brief synopsis of the author's general topic of discussion and my thoughts on it.

So today's Website of the Day is Libertyzone. Nicki is a military veteran and strong proponent of the 2nd ammendment, as am I. She covers mostly gun rights issues but delves into politics regularly too. Her posts are concise and to the point. It's easy to click on over and read a few of them, leave a comment or two, and get back to work in like 5 minutes. If you think I'm acerbic, you'll enjoy her writing. Check it out when you have a minute.

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