Thursday, March 13, 2008

The Spitzer Hypocricy

The Spitzer Hypocricy ---sounds like the title of a Robert Ludlum novel.

OK, I think this is probably my last Spitzer post. If you're as tired of the coverage as I am, I hope I don't think of anything else to add.

We discussed earlier this week why Silda Spitzer, or any self-respecting wife would stand publically by her cheating husband. Already, Eliot has made a complete mockery of his career of fighting prostitutes. It seems Silda has made an equally embarrassing mockery of her statement 10 years ago about Hillary standing by Bill....

March 13, 2008 -- A decade ago, as she watched then-First Lady Hillary Rodham Clinton humiliated by her intern-loving hubby, Silda Wall Spitzer made clear her intentions if Eliot ever cheated.
"That would never be me. I'd be gone," Silda told friends, a pal told The Post.

So both the Spitzers are shameless hypocrites. If, as many have wondered, Silda is staying for security and/or lifestyle reasons(if she left with the girls, any judge in the world would award her millions), then how is she any different than Kristin, Eliot's $1000/hour prostitute? They both are willing to put up with humiliation, shame, and degradation from Client #9 in exchange for what amounts to cash, for without it, there is no security or lifestyle.

This post isn't so much asking about the Spitzers as it is asking...if you take "the kids" out of the equation, are there not plenty of wives, who would otherwise leave because of infidelity, who stay with men in exchange for security and/or lifestyles? What makes them superior to girls like Kristin?


  1. I find Silda Spitzer disgusting. One must assume that the power and money are more important to her than having morals. She is no better, probably more despicable, than the pro "Big E" was thrashing around with. At least the "Scarlet A" chick played the game straight and didn't act like a puritan knowing all the while that something was rotten in Denmark. His noturnal sojourns have gone on for a long time. I wonder how long she has tolerated these indiscretions with pursed lips. Maintaining a tight lips attitude for the betterment of the political euphoria ride she has been on. I also wonder that if Sil hasnt had a boy-toy on the side as well? Maybe she and the girls will be able to start a new life, with the wad of cash she should get, but she will never outlive her lack of morality.

  2. Lets not get carried away on Silda. This turd sandwich was dropped in her lap and she had to react with the entire world watching. I'd be damned if I would air my dirty laundry with the news media watching. Lets see what she does when the cameras turn away.
