Thursday, March 13, 2008


Generally I post a picture with all my rantings, for those of you with child-like intellects who don't like to read much, but I elected not to for this'll thank me.

I'm not a huge fan of reality TV(I'm proud to say I've never seen a single episode of Survivor, Big Brother, or Real World), however there are some reality shows that for some reason have appeal. The Biggest Loser is one of those. You watch these otherwise normal, intelligent people struggle to make better lives for themselves and their families as they train and compete to lose wieght, something with which we can all identify...except Reid, he has a god-like physique. Most reality TV, on the other hand, focuses on vapid, narcissists bickering amongst themselves about whatever silly, personal minutae vapid, narcissists bicker about.

If you've watched the show, you know that at the end of each episode, there's a weigh-in, in which the contestants see who lost the most weight as a percentage of their total. The guys, who started the show in the high 300's or low 400's, regularly take off their shirts to weigh, revealing their enormous man-boobs. The first time we watched the show, my wife and I actually exchanged uncomfortable glances during the weigh-in. You get that same awkward, stunned feeling like when you were a kid and accidentally walked in on your grandparents making out naked. You know you didn't do anything wrong, yet you reflexively look away as if you saw something private you shouldn't have seen.

Having said that, the last couple of shows featured the weigh-ins with the men wearing their shirts. My question is, would you find that awkward and do you think the network told them to wear their shirts because of viewer mail pleading with them to?

For the not squeamish, here's what I'm talking about. SFW, but just barely. If you vomit a little bit in your mouth, don't say I didn't warn you.


  1. AAHHHHH! why did i look? The horror!
    Where on earth did you find that picture? Why would someone like that expose their body for 1. a piercing and 2. the picture?!

    But it does get the point across. I can see what you mean about you and your wife. ICK!

  2. Sorry freedom, I'm afraid there's not enough money in the world to by the therapy that would be required to erase that image from your mind's eye, but etching your corneas with acid might help. It won't erase the image, but the pain will make you forget it for a minute.

  3. Oh, to answer your question, where did I find that picture.....I googled "man boobs", which probably explains that request from HR that I stop by their office for a chat.

  4. Ed, you should know better than to google things like that at work! Haha, i bet that was an interesting conversation though.

  5. This is the most disgusting topic ever covered by the TRR. Thank goodness you had the decency to keep your face out of the picture. It looks better, but I will now always look at the blog photo with a jaundiced eye. Your Friend. Bobby T

  6. All kidding aside, these guys (and girls) have all had an amazing weight loss and in the long run are much healthier. Having said that, I hope the producers of the show can put them in touch with some docs who are willing to give them a "little lift". They certainly have earned it.
