Friday, March 14, 2008

Harry Reid--awful human being!

Harry Reid is a vile, disgusting maggot! As Senate majority leader, he delayed a vote on a temporary earmark(pork) ban, pushing it back until around midnight, a sleazy tactic these guys use when they don't want the press covering it. As you know, pork is the bread and butter of American politics. If it weren't for pork spending, craven democrats would have no means with which to buy votes from their dumb, hand-out voting base.

As if that weren't bad enough, the Reid-led Senate elected not to renew some of Bush's tax cuts, opening the door for huge tax hikes if a democrat wins the presidency.

Obama and Clinton both promise to reverse Bush’s tax cuts for wealthier taxpayers, but the Democratic budget they’ll be voting for would allow income tax rates to go up on individuals making as little as $31,850 and couples earning $63,700 or more.

If you didn't know, the category [couples earning $63,700] includes pretty much every couple in America. That Reid forced the Senate to vote on the earmark ban when nobody was watching shows his disdain for the American taxpayer, and he thinks that your money is his money for the taking, to spend it any way he sees fit. That Nevadans continue to elect this vermin is embarrassing.

If you pay taxes in America, this is what democrat Harry Reid thinks of you.

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