Monday, March 10, 2008

Get smart and feed the little children

You people know that I think the United Nations is a hideously corrupt, reprehensible, and vile organization. That being said, the UN World Food Program is helping to feed all the little starving children around the world by donating 20(that's right, twenty) grains of rice if you play a simple online vocabulary game. Go to Free Rice and do your part. There's even a heartwarming graphic that shows a rustic wooden bowl filling with rice as you answer know like the ones you see the kids eating out of while Sally Struthers, who never misses a meal, begs for your money. I'm proud to say that just this afternoon, I successfully caused 80 grains of rice to be donated to a hungry child in the Congo, Bangladesh, or somewhere. Now I can go home and enjoy the prime rib my wife is cooking for dinner without guilt.....heck, if I think about it and the cat doesn't want it, I might package up the left-overs and send them over there.....because I'm a giver like that.
-Now, keep your hate-mail to yourselves. That post was clearly tongue-in-cheek. How exactly does my playing an online game result in rice being given to starving children? Will the UN withhold rice if I refuse to play?

If the UN really wants to do something about poverty, then bring economic and individual freedoms, democratic government, and the rule of law to these countries and watch the prosperity and waist-lines blossom.

Hat tip to Neal Boortz.


  1. I worked hard on my gerunds, adjectives, and adverbs, and managed to scrape up 360 grains of rice for the 3rd world starvers. I got to define words that I would never use in a cognitive thought. Sadly, one must quit or this "game" continues - forever. There can't be that much rice garnered by this ploy. Why not just send it and let somebody else pay for the "techie" to operate this system.

  2. Right you are, joe. This is a silly exercise in feel-good idiocy. It's kind of fun to guess at the words, but nobody should be diluded into thinking they are feeding the hungry.
