Monday, March 10, 2008

Reaping what they sowed

About the only story running these days is what's going to happen to the democratic nominating delegates from Florida and Michigan. The DNC is not allowing them to sit at the convention in August for staging their primaries too early. Neither Hillary nor Obama campaigned in either state and Obama's name wasn't even on the ballot in Michigan. With Hillary trailing Obama by only 110 delegates, the 300 delegates pledged from those two states could tip the nomination. The tendancy is to feel sorry for the voters in those two states because their vote essentially won't count toward nominating a candidate going into the general phase. But Howard Dean, DNC chairman, told them what the penalty was before they decided to move their primaries up into January and he's sticking to his guns. Predictably those dem. voters and their state officials are whining about being disenfranchized(I hate that word) and their votes not counting, but like my wife derisively and correctly stated this morning...they made their beds and now they're going to have to lie in them.

I can't put it any more succinctly than that.

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