Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Democrat culture of corruption?

By now you've all heard about disgraced NY governor Elliot Spitzer, who in the richest of ironies, got busted arranging for a rendezvous with a prostitute, after spending a career as a DA busting prostitutes. Watching this story last night and this morning got my wife and me wondering...going back to all the recent political scandals, NJ governor McGreevy admitting he's gay, Larry Craig and the creepy airport bathroom, and of course Bill Clinton's seemingly endless parade of sex adventures...what compells these wives to take the stage at the excrutiatingly uncomfortable press conferences?

In Hillary's case, it was the raw pursuit of political power that led her to marry Bill in the first place. Why would his escapades with trailer-park floozies cause her to deviate from her mission of seizing the US presidency? It wouldn't because hers is a marriage of political expediency and necessity. Bill's sexcapades are less of a marriage betrayal issue, and more of a political damage-control issue. (though I'll wager if she loses the current race, she kicks Bill to the curb). But why would Silda Spitzer humiliate herself further by taking the stage at the press conference yesterday? I think it's because of money and maybe the kids but, Elliot probably promised her millions if she stuck it out until the inevitable trial is over. Why else?

Why do you people think they stick around?

p.s. When Larry Craig got caught in the airport bathroom soliciting gay sex, Pelosi, the democrats, and most of the media echoed the "republican culture of corruption" canard to score political points. Has anybody heard a peep about that from the MSM about the democrats?

UPDATE: Rush is talking about this very topic today. McGreevy's wife said in her book that she stood with him because she didn't want their kids to hate their dad, which she thought they would do if she abandoned him. There's also the political calculation that if the wife is willing to stand by the politician, surely the public should give him another chance too.


  1. What I want to know is why he spent 4300$ on something I am sure his wife is willing to give him.

  2. I've wondered the same thing. I don;t think any of us knows how we would respond to infidelity until it happens.

    Some possibilities....

    1.They are devestated. They aren't thinking clearly. The immediate response is to salvage her family. Grief supersedes the humiliation.

    2. They love their man that much.

    3. The women are threatened with their own affairs being made public.

  3. Another option is that she has no job, nor a way of making a living, and is staying with him for his money. And he must have a lot of it if he is going to spend 4300$ on a hooker.

  4. I saw today where Eliot Spitzer's dad's estate is worth over $500million.....so, I'm sure Silda said, "Hey Eliot, I want 10million in a numbered offshore account(I'll provide your accontant with the number) in the Cayman's before the press conferecne, and I'll hang around and do any public appearances you want. I'll wait 'till you're in jail for solicitation before I hit the road with the girls."

    You know that's how it went down Sunday night in the Spitzer home.

  5. The only question I have is...

    What is different here than w/ Bill Clinton? This guy is going to do serious jail time for solicitation. Clinton redefined the definition of sex, but admitted having it and walked away scott free. Some legal system we got going.

    In answer to your query, Ed et al, could it be that Mrs. Spitzer has a skeleton or 2 in her closet and wants to keep a clean skirt? Could there be troubles in paradise b/w the 2 and therefore he felt forced to seek sexual release elsewhere? We do not know, so lets be careful how we judge without all the facts. I do not support infidelity, but feel that it is only fair to give him his turn to defend himself without beating him up first.

  6. The difference between Bill Clinton and Spitzer is that Clinton didn't pay for sex. Spitzer did, ergo solicitation.

    and BP, having an affair and hiring a hooker are two different things. One of them messes up marriages, the other one lands you jail time. Whether or not he was justified in cheating on his wife, prostitution is illegal. He broke the law, plain and simple. We can now bag on him all we want to.

  7. I think people would be less apt to ridicule Spitzer, especially as a democrat, if he hadn't made his name busting prostitution rings. The irony here is far too rich to ignore.

    If I was Silda, I'd make him pay me millions to act like the supportive wife and then bail when the money was safely out of his reach.

    The other difference between Clinton and Spitzer is that Hillary knew about "Saturday Night Bill" before she married him. She knew that he slept around and rightly calculated that her gain in power through marriage would be greater than what it would cost her in dignity. Who knows if Spitzer's wife knew or not? My guess is, not.
