Tuesday, February 05, 2008

Who's it gonna be?

It's Super-Duper Tuesday people and it's time to vote. A couple of thoughts....

-Don't believe the polls. They're notoriously wrong.

-Most states are also electing delegates for the nominating conventions assigned by % of the popular vote, so even if your candidate is behind, don't think your vote doesn't still count for something. His percentage of the vote will affect the delegate assignments at the electoral college.

-I showed up this morning at 7:05 at my polling station and had to publically request a ballot by announcing whether I was voting R or D. I don't care who knows how I vote, but I thought it was kind of strange because it's supposed to be private.

-Don't be a single-issue voter.

-Wear your "I voted" sticker proudly all day and encourage your coworkers to vote. If you're a stay-at-home mom, encourage the gals at the gym, the cute bugman or grocery store produce guy, and your margarita-lunch friends to vote too.

NOTE to irritated stay-at-home moms: direct all hate mail to me in the comments thread.


  1. Since you're asking for it ;-).... Gee, Ed - The pampered life of a stay at home mom sounds pretty nice. I did something wrong. I spent my days wiping noses and bums, cleaning toilets, teaching ABC's and 123's, and playing outside.
    Do most stay at home mom's really live like that? I'm jealous.

    By time we vote here in PA (April 22) there probably won't be much of a decision to make.

  2. There are a few where I live who do, but for the most part I think they're more like what you describe.

    I wrote that hoping to get a reaction from you and you did not disappoint.

    You know I'm kidding you.

  3. I kind of thought you might have been instigating, but thought maybe you had someone else on you about that since you mentioned hate mail and I never sent any. I have a sense of humor and I do know there are people like you described out there. I do feel pretty passionatley about people taking care of their own kids though.
