Tuesday, February 05, 2008

The Religion of Peace

For all you moral relativists who think Islam is a peaceful, respect-worthy religion that's getting a bad rap based on the actions of a few radicals, read this and then try to convince me Islam is anything but a despotic cult that thrives on human bondage and barbaric ritual...

The two sisters were found guilty of adultery – a capital crime in Islamic Iran – after the husband of one of the pair presented video evidence showing them in the company of other men while he was away.

"Branch 23 of the supreme court has confirmed the stoning sentence," said their lawyer, Jabbar Solati.

The penal court of Tehran province had already sentenced the two sisters identified only as Zohreh, 27, and Azar (no age given) to stoning, the daily said.

Mr Solati explained that the two sisters had initially been tried for "illegal relations" and received 99 lashes. However in a second trial they were convicted of "adultery".

Adultry? For standing in the general vicinity of a man, not your husband? Are you kidding me?

99 lashes and then stoned to death...so much for double-jeopardy laws. And why was the sister convicted? She didn't commit "adultery" against anybody. Boy, that's some great world religion that Islam.

All you liberal feminists who sit on your hands and say nothing each time something like this happens because it's not nice to criticize somebody elses religion, you should be a little less critical of the US because this would be you in Iran. And if you opened your yap, you'd be that poor woman above.

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