Tuesday, February 05, 2008

World Opinion

I know there are people all over the world who have stopped by TRR in the last few months and I would like to hear from you specifically. First, does the rest of the world care who ends up being our President? And second, if you do care, who do you want to win. Please state your country of origin along with your pick. A brief explanation of why you picked that person would be great.

You regulars are welcome to chime in too but my wife and I were discussing this morning who the world wants to win and why, so I thought I'd ask the question.

1 comment:

  1. I shall speak on behalf of the world.

    The world would like for Hillary Clinton to become president. They want her to become president because America is a very wonderful place, where the streets are paved in gold, and they want a peace of it for themselves, but as an immigrant, cannot get paid to live here. However, with Hillary president, soon to be self-claimed queen of the Americas, then eventually the world, the immigrants can get whatever they want, without having to earn it.

    I'm sorry, this is just my exaggeration of what i see going down if she is elected.
