Monday, February 04, 2008

Voting time!!!

It's voting time people. I hope you know what you're doing. I've been thinking about voting for Romney tomorrow since he's got a chance to beat McCain, but in my state, McCain has a 12 point lead last time I checked. For that reason, I might vote for Huckabee just because it would be a vote for the Fair Tax.

If you haven't learned about the Fair Tax and HR-24, pick up a copy. The Fair Tax(consumption tax replaces income taxes) represents the single largest transfer of power from the federal government to the people....which is precisely why politicians tend to ignore it. They want to lord as much power over you and your private lives as possible. That being said, I want that issue to be around for as long as possible so more people will hear about it, so I might vote for Huckabee for that reason.

I'll still have to hold my nose in November and vote McCain agianst Hillary or Obama but I'll be able to say I voted for the Fair Tax at least once. If you are unfamiliar with the Fair Tax but would like me to go over it briefly, ask in the comments thread and I'll post the highlights in a day or two.

The race might be set by this time tomorrow so vote wisely and vote often.


  1. So where is McCain's popularity coming from? According to the media the Republicans don't want him, but obviosuly he has support from somewhere.
    Do you think people are so fed up with partisan politics that they are looking for some middle ground?

  2. Ed - I would like your take on the fair tax if you would be so kind.
    Is it really as simple as it sounds?

  3. I think Bush has sullied the conservative reputation to the point that people want a middle-of-the-road guy...they're tired of being made fun of on TV and being hated by everybody because of Bush. Plus, I think true conservatives are a dying breed. The neo-cons are coming into their own and Johnny Mac makes them all tingly.

  4. I agree that Bush has done some damage. I've been saying I think it will be a miracle if an R wins this election. I was hoping that my opinion was skewed because I live in a heavily democrtic area - but did anyone notice how many people voted D vs. R? My husband and I were counting last night - then today i read something like 14 million D to 8 million R.
