Monday, February 04, 2008

Confiscatory nannying

Read this exerpt from The NYT, think about what it means for a minute, then tell me what you think...[emphasis mine]

Senator Hillary Rodham Clinton inched closer Sunday to explaining how she would enforce her proposal that everyone have health insurance, but declined to specify — as she has throughout the campaign — how she would penalize those who refuse.

Mrs. Clinton, who did not answer Senator Barack Obama’s question on the topic in a debate last Thursday, was pressed repeatedly to do so Sunday by George Stephanopoulos on the ABC program “This Week.” When Mr. Stephanopoulos asked a third time whether she would garnish people’s wages, Mrs. Clinton responded, “George, we will have an enforcement mechanism, whether it’s that or it’s some other mechanism through the tax system or automatic enrollments.”

But about 20 percent of the uninsured have household incomes of $75,000 or more, according to the Census Bureau, meaning they presumably can afford coverage but prefer to take the risk. Mrs. Clinton argues that these “free riders” impose a hidden tax on the insured because their uncompensated care must be factored into medical charges and insurance rates.

Hillary is so desperate to control 1/7th of the US economy, she'll garnish the wages of people who elect to not participate in any disasterous, idiotic, socialized medicine scheme. Where in the Constitution does is give the chief executive the right to use the power of the federal government to force Americans to purchase something they don't want? Health care is not a right, it's an option. Those 20% who make $75,000 or more are generally single, educated, successful, young adults who decide they'd rather spend their money on other things besides health care. That's their right to do so. Another big chunk of the uninsured could afford health insurance, but because they're shiftless degenerates, choose to use the emergency room for primary care because it's free. This is one of those heart-string, election issues that is no where near the crisis that politicians want you to think it is. If politicians can't convince you there is a crisis looming, then they can't scare you into voting for them to provide rescue.

If there was ever a reason to NOT vote for anybody, the enforced participation in a dreadfully worthless program by seizing more of your wages than they already do, would qualify. Tomorrow, cast a vote for freedom, for personal independence, and for the nanny-State staying out of your for anybody but Hillary.

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