Saturday, February 02, 2008

Al-Qaida is worse than you thought

Terrorists by definition are depraved cowards, but even al-Qaida has managed to plumb new depths of degeneracy...

BAGHDAD (AP) - Two mentally retarded women strapped with remote-control explosives—and possibly used as unwitting suicide bombers—brought carnage Friday to two pet bazaars, killing at 73 people in the deadliest day since Washington flooded the capital with extra troops last spring.
The coordinated blasts—coming 20 minutes apart in different parts of the city—appeared to reinforce U.S. claims al-Qaida in Iraq may be increasingly desperate and running short of able-bodied men willing or available for such missions.

Brig. Gen. Qassim al-Moussawi, Iraq's chief military spokesman in Baghdad, said the women had Down syndrome and may not have known they were on suicide missions. He said the bombs were detonated by remote control.

If you were under any illusions that we were fighting a legitimate insurgency that just wants the US out of it's country....well, I think we've cleared that up. I wonder if the benevolent and loving prophet Allah approves of such tactics. I swear....these scum can't be sent off to hell fast enough.

1 comment:

  1. That is terrible. This is by far the most cowardly and heinous thing i have ever heard. Even the Christians in the crusades were better than that, and they sent children!
