Monday, February 18, 2008

Steroids in Congress??

In the wake of the congressional hearings, we have learned through the George Mitchell report that baseball players have been using steroids. Roger Clemens, accused of participating in this practice, and of using human growth hormones, was the poster boy of this circus. The US government has wasted probably $20 million on this investigation. To uncover what? That Mark McGuire, Sammy Sosa, Barry Bonds used drugs to inflate their muscles. Now there's a finding worthy of the cash spent. I hope that the youth of this country all now know that steroids are bad. Is that what this was about?
I taped and watched the hearings. It is apparent to me that Brian McNamee is a crooked scummy ex-policeman that should never be trusted. He lied and admitted he lied, then he appeared to lie some more. Roger Clemens is getting bad advice or may be suffering some ill efects from the HGH/steroids he didn't take. Why would the Rocket put himself in front of this steamroller?
The hearing went along party lines as expected. The Democrats loved and doted on McNamee, while attacking and hating on Clemens. The Republicans did the opposite, as expected. In my opinion, niether side gained anything out of this. If these guys took steroids so be it. Let baseball deal with it not Congress. Sorry, but in my mind they should have a few bigger fish to fry (war in Iraq; illegal immigration issues; economy; just to name a few). I am tired of our elected officials grandstanding and parading around telling us what they are doing for us instead of just truly doing something for us. The longer this electoral cock walk continues the sicker I become.
Is it next to eliminate the post race victory kiss at all NASCAR events, or do we now have to have equal opportunity and have kisees by same sex partners, multi cultural kisses, etc. Stop the madness and focus on the true problems we have. Lets look at the depleting energy sources and try to rectify that a little; lets look at our economy and try to see what can be done to correct a downfall before it happens; lets look at other true problems facing this world and lets let baseball be baseball.


  1. Like Ed always says, it's a free-market function, not a congressional one to regulate the labor disputes in a private business. If the public is fed up with steroid use, they'll stop buying team paraphernalia, attending games, or watching them on TV. The owners will seriously crack down on the players because of lost revenue and sponsors will sever ties with roided up spokesmen because they're not selling product. This how the market corrects itself. It's not congress's role to regulate labor markets or set examples for kids. Both are the roles of consumers/parents. If congress were in the business of being role models for kids, why does Ted Kennedy keep getting elected?

  2. Old Barry may have more cash to spend in Tampa Bay! LOL

    He needs it for his legal defense fund. Poor Barry.
